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Scorpions - Love At First Sting, LP, vinila plate, 12" vinyl record

Scorpions - Love At First Sting, LP, vinila plate, 12" vinyl record
Artist: Scorpions
Pieejamība: Pārdots vai Rezervēts
Code: 8 56 332
Label: AMIGA
Country: German Democratic Republic (GDR)
Released: 1988 (1984)
Format: Vinyl, LP, Album, Reissue, Stereo
Genre: Rock
Style: Hard Rock

Cena: 28,00 €

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Meklēšanas atslēgvārdi: Scorpions,

Scorpions - Love At First Sting, LP, vinila plate, 12" vinyl record


A1 Bad Boys Running Wild 3:56
A2 Rock You Like A Hurricane 4:12
A3 I'm Leaving You 4:16
A4 Coming Home 5:00
A5 The Same Thrill 3:32
B1 Big City Nights 4:10
B2 As Soon As The Good Times Roll 5:04
B3 Crossfire 4:36
B4 Still Loving You 6:29

Record Company - VEB Deutsche Schallplatten Berlin
Licensed From - EMI Electrola GmbH
Pressed By - VEB Deutsche Schallplatten Potsdam-Babelsberg
Printed By - VEB VMW "Ernst Thälmann", Werk Gotha-Druck

Arranged By - Dieter Dierks
Arranged By - Scorpions
Bass Guitar, Keyboards - Francis Buchholz
Composed By [Kompositionen] - Rudolf Schenker
Drums - Herman Rarebell
Guitar, Lead Guitar - Matthias Jabs
Guitar, Lead Guitar, Backing Vocals - Rudolf Schenker
Liner Notes [1988] - Lothar Dungs
Lithography - VEB VMW "Ernst Thälmann" Werk Gotha-Druck
Lyrics By [Texte] - Herman Rarebell
Lyrics By [Texte] - Klaus Meine
Producer - Dieter Dierks
Vocals, Backing Vocals - Klaus Meine

Released in the German Democratic Republic with a different cover. Übernahme von EMI Electrola GmbH, Köln/BRD Made in the German Democratic Republic